
Photographer, planner, or couple with a stylish wedding or event? We would love to share it! We are always looking for amazing  and new ideas to feature. Stylish Event Design loves all things fabulous with personal and unique touches. We feature a new vendor per month. We celebrate two different events monthly. 

We strive to feature new and stylish events and designs. If your event has been featured in another blog, magazine etc, please submit that information along with your request.  All events must have occurred within the last twelve months.

Ready to share? Please send 10-15 images  at 700 px wide with a description and list of vendors to

Be aware that for all features are subject to review. I email the client of the event to get their perspective on the day. If your client is not up to writing a few short paragraphs, please reconsider your submission. If we feel that your submission may not be suitable for Stylish Event Design, we reserve the right not to publish. You will receive a written confirmation, via e-mail, about your submission.
We cannot wait to share your wonderful day with our community and see everyone's vision.